Triumph has launched the Daytona 660 in India for a starting price of Rs 9.72 Lakh (ex-showroom). It will be the successor to the Daytona 675 and share its platform with the Trident 660 and Tiger Sport 660. The Daytona 660 will be the only sports bike from the brand in India. You can book one for yourself through all the Triumph dealerships across the country.
The Daytona 660 shares some design cues with its predecessor. It has a confident and inspiring design, with the unique twin LED headlights on the front, air intakes in the centre, and a carved fuel tank. The rear of the bike is narrowed out, as we expect in sports bikes. It is built on a steel tubular perimeter frame along with a bolt-on subframe and a race-inspired swingarm. It has split seats for the rider and pillion, with a rider seat that is 810mm high. You can also opt to get a lower seat with a seat height of 785 mm, 25 mm lower than the usual.
Like the Trident 660, the Daytona 660 derives its power from the 660 cc liquid-cooled inline engine that produces 95 bhp and 69 Nm of torque. It has a firing order of 240 degrees. Paired to this engine is a 6-speed transmission along with a torque-assist clutch. Triumph claims this clutch gives rear wheel control under hard deceleration. It gets a new exhaust with h 3-into-1 headers and a compact underslung silencer that gives users a crisp and amplified sound of the engine.
The Daytona gets a TFT display integrated with an LED display. This screen is controlled by the switchgear. Its throttle is ride-by-wire and offers three ride modes: Sport, Road, and Rain. The mode chosen decides the throttle response and traction control intervention. You can turn it off through the instrument menu. There are extra accessory options like turn-by-turn navigation and phone interaction.
Triumph offers over 30 accessories with the Daytona 660. The first type creates a race-bike design, like an oil filler cap, paddock stand bobbins, bar end finishers, and a rear brake reservoir. Some have a more functional value, like heated grips, a USB socket, and a tyre pressure monitoring system (TPMS). You can also opt for an automatic shift assist for clutchless riding.
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